Our Party Pavilion can seat 20 adults or 24 children and is a dedicated area that can be reserved by our customers. The pavilion provides some shelter from sun and rain and is available by reservation.
Reservation Times:
Tuesday - Saturday
11:30 AM to 1:30 PM
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
The Party Pavilion is available during business hours and in fairness to our other customers, the only area that you may reserve is the area under the pavilion. We are not able to include the playground and patio seating in your reservation.
Our Party Pavilion is suited for a small group. However, the common area of our patio may allow for over-flow from your group. Please be respectful of our other customers and keep all outside food inside the gated area under the pavilion. We want everyone to be comfortable and safe so a group of 24 children or 20 adults represents the maximum number in the pavilion area.
We have 2 hour time slots so we can best schedule employees to clean the area and serve you. We sincerely hope these times will accommodate your celebration / party. However, please ask for the owner if you would like to discuss other options or times.
Although we allow outside food to be brought in, we encourage you to purchase drinks and ice cream from Katie's Ice Cream. We do not allow cooking or cooking appliances on the premises.
In addition to the information here and our listed rules, please note that consumption of alcoholic beverages and/or smoking is not permitted.
Katie's Ice Cream
106 Church Street, Dickson, Tennessee 37055, United States